Friday, 29 November 2019

Reflection on my 2nd Inquiry 2019

Reflection #2

For the last two terms my inquiry was on lifting the achievement of my learners’ reading behaviour.
I have tried many strategies and have monitored some of their effectiveness on my learners reading behaviours -
of course you can see that in some of my blog posts earlier.

What surprised me?
What really surprised me this time is about knowing my learners - how much that I need to know about
them. My learners come to school at different time and sometimes I forget to learn or get to know a child.
I got too focused sometimes with some old learners and forget my newest learner. 

One thing that surprised me was the difficulty of ensuring that there is a balance between using of receptive
and productive language. I did my best but I think this is something that I need to know of for next year.

What I found?
It was hard for me to monitor my target students reading behaviour for I get distracted sometimes with their
other learning needs. In the future I will try to prioritise my focus.

Vocabulary - the biggest problem that I found with these new learners. Most of them couldn’t sustain information
though I used TESSOL strategies that I used in the past and they were effective. For next year I am going to
work closer with my learners whanau in learning early words and using those early words in a way that learners
would remember for a while.

Working closer with my learners whanau and support them with some ways to help learners at home learn how to
focus and learn how to hold information in their head for a while. 

I have had a great year and I am looking forward to the new year.

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