Focusing Inquiry for 2020
This year, I have decided after discussions with our SLT team and staff to focus on lifting the writing
achievement of my learners. As a whole school, we analysed our last year’s achievement data and decided, that
our teaching as inquiry for this year will focus on writing.
achievement of my learners. As a whole school, we analysed our last year’s achievement data and decided, that
our teaching as inquiry for this year will focus on writing.
Last year my focus was on improving oral language. Using Jannie Van Hees’s ideas on IOL
(Intensive Oral Language), and Language in Abundance helped me to help and support my learners to
improve oral language not just using basic everyday language but also getting them to use cognitive language
in their conversation. The end goal was for my learners to improve oral language and then lead on to improve in
writing and reading.
(Intensive Oral Language), and Language in Abundance helped me to help and support my learners to
improve oral language not just using basic everyday language but also getting them to use cognitive language
in their conversation. The end goal was for my learners to improve oral language and then lead on to improve in
writing and reading.
Although my inquiry focus will be on writing but this year I will take a different pathway. I will be inquiring
into ‘readiness’ and ‘self-control’ of all new entrants (Yr 1) in my class. I chose this pathway in response to a
regular concern that I have noticed in the past years of teaching including last year. I have tried different
teaching approaches / strategies including using of TESSOL strategies to accelerate new learners achievement
and I can only say that children who are achieving at or above the expectations are those that came in ready to
learn and have some self-control over their behaviour.
into ‘readiness’ and ‘self-control’ of all new entrants (Yr 1) in my class. I chose this pathway in response to a
regular concern that I have noticed in the past years of teaching including last year. I have tried different
teaching approaches / strategies including using of TESSOL strategies to accelerate new learners achievement
and I can only say that children who are achieving at or above the expectations are those that came in ready to
learn and have some self-control over their behaviour.
What are my hunches / hypotheses? How can I do this?
If I help and support my learners through play and games to gain ‘self-control’ and improve awareness of ‘readiness’ to learn - learners maybe be able to take risks, take responsibilities and take turns - control themselves when needed. Learners would then be able to improve writing once they learn to hold ideas in the head until it is recorded as an example of one outcome.
Indicators of Progress (What I’m looking for that shows I’m making a difference to student progress in general)
What do I mean by ‘readiness’ and ‘self-control’?
-write their own name - automaticity
-know some letter id - fluency
-take turn and share easily / kindly - increase
-hold a pencil properly - fine motor skills
-concentrate for at least 5 mins on a conversation / discussion etc. - sequential / order of things
-keen to join in any group with other students - taking risks
-be sensitive to others’ feelings - self control
-look after property - self control
-hold an info in the head for 5 mins / until it is recorded - sequential
Indicators of Progress (What I’m looking for that shows I’m making a difference to student progress in writing)
Learners to be able to write their names with automaticity
Learners to be able to recognise / memorise words - sequential skills
Increase words knowledge - fluency & automaticity
Learners to be able to focus / increase attention span
Learners to be more active - able to copy words - able to recognise changes / shapes / capital letters and small letters etc.
How am I going to collect evident?
I will have 2 check points a term. In each check point - I will be providing a piece of writing from my target learners and analyse. I am hoping to see the effectiveness of my hunch every term.
Check backmapping using literacy learning progression framework
Resources that support my inquiry focus:
Te Whariki Curriculum
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