Friday 13 April 2018

Evaluation & Sustainability - Term 1 2018

How will you sustain the habits that are promoting success
for your students?
Continue to use 'dictation' - through Quick60, Maths, Inquiry topics and Reading. I will make sure that dictation happens twice or three times a day.

Quick60 program will continue. We have completed the alphabets part, next part is reading. The structure is similar and I believe my students will be able to adapt and do better.

I will make handwriting a big focus and include that in my writing tumble for term 2. I will take workshops for children who are still unable to form letters correctly with confident. I believe that knowing how to form letters correctly helps in the future to write a sentence quickly and correctly.

What did you learn as a teacher / what surprised you?

The power of 'dictation'. It was hard at the beginning because my students were
not familiar with words, letters and sentences. But I am impressed with the end result of
some of the dictation activities that we did.

Handwriting as 'language by hand' - how important for chn to write fluently. It not only helps
to write fast but their brain will work faster once their writing is fluent. Handwriting contributes
directly to fluency and quality of writing.

Quick60 program - focused was on identifying names & sounds of letters of the alphabets.
It helped most of my children to remember the letter formation as well. I really like this
program because it is structured and organised.

How will you transfer your new learning to other students / curriculum areas?  
- adjust class timetable so I could have two quick60 groups next term
- all my new entrants will be using cut-up sentences rather then copying sentences
written by the teacher.
- continue to use TALK MOVES - for children to hear and practice saying academic (unfamiliar)
language correctly.
- handwriting/writing practice daily

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this Viena. It is so valuable to hear from our colleagues about their practice and reading your own evaluation and next steps is helpful. I am interested that you are using Quick60. Do you have connections with other colleagues who are doing this too?


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