Monday 30 April 2018

Sentence Frame - helping students to write.

Term 2 - 2018

It is a common scene in many classrooms especially at the junior levels, students sit and stare at a black paper because they were asked to write and don't know how to start or they can't think of the right words to use.

In my class, not only that I have students who are 5 yrs old, but most students' first language is not English. They haven't had enough experiences to be able to speak with confident. Wether students are asked to write a story, answer questions, or practice vocabulary words, many have difficulty figuring out how to start writing.

Therefore, I decide to use sentence frame to help them improve the quality of their talk and hopefully lead on to an improvement in the quality of their writing.

My hunch therefore for the next four weeks is:

Will using sentence frame increases quality talk and writing of my students?

I found this video and I know that there are lots out there about sentence frame, but I like this one becuase it specifically talks about how sentence frame scaffolds the development of the Enlish Language Learner.

Friday 13 April 2018

Evaluation & Sustainability - Term 1 2018

How will you sustain the habits that are promoting success
for your students?
Continue to use 'dictation' - through Quick60, Maths, Inquiry topics and Reading. I will make sure that dictation happens twice or three times a day.

Quick60 program will continue. We have completed the alphabets part, next part is reading. The structure is similar and I believe my students will be able to adapt and do better.

I will make handwriting a big focus and include that in my writing tumble for term 2. I will take workshops for children who are still unable to form letters correctly with confident. I believe that knowing how to form letters correctly helps in the future to write a sentence quickly and correctly.

What did you learn as a teacher / what surprised you?

The power of 'dictation'. It was hard at the beginning because my students were
not familiar with words, letters and sentences. But I am impressed with the end result of
some of the dictation activities that we did.

Handwriting as 'language by hand' - how important for chn to write fluently. It not only helps
to write fast but their brain will work faster once their writing is fluent. Handwriting contributes
directly to fluency and quality of writing.

Quick60 program - focused was on identifying names & sounds of letters of the alphabets.
It helped most of my children to remember the letter formation as well. I really like this
program because it is structured and organised.

How will you transfer your new learning to other students / curriculum areas?  
- adjust class timetable so I could have two quick60 groups next term
- all my new entrants will be using cut-up sentences rather then copying sentences
written by the teacher.
- continue to use TALK MOVES - for children to hear and practice saying academic (unfamiliar)
language correctly.
- handwriting/writing practice daily

Friday 6 April 2018

Check-Point #3 - After 3 weeks of using some new strategies to increase fluency & quality in letter formation and writing

What exactly happened in class with my students?  
Chn were writing so slowly due to not being confident with forming letters fluently.
And because they were slow to form letters correctly, they were also slow to write 
their story. As a result, most chn wouldn't be able to complete their task because of 
that. Some chn recognised a lot of words easily but very hard to remember when 
writing a story.

How did I do it in class?
Practice handwriting almost daily
Practice Writing daily
Allow chn to practice writing in the morning before school starts
Integrated lessons - practice letters in any subject area

Critique (Pros & Con) - Final Thought
After 7-8 weeks
- children needs a lot of practice - they need to practice forming letters in different
ways - therefore this inquiry is ongoing.
- holding the pencil correctly is so important - this was particularly hard to
change some kids' habit
- teaching the child to sit still in a position that is going to help with the formation of
letters correctly is also improtant.
- children can also practice letters from home
- it is good to let kids practice on anything - lined papers or not, concrete or white
boards etc.
- this strategy helps only a few of target students. Some needs longer time to
practice due to other factors.

Important Tips - Next Steps
- Always have your child start out writing lowercase letters. This is important because
when they start to read, most of the words are in lowercase letters.
- Remind your child to use their “helper hand,” opposite of their writing hand,
to stabilize the page and hold it down while they write.
- Help them have correct and proper pencil grip. This may take some practice,
but is key to writing letters.
- Ensure your child is sitting at the right size of table with their feet flat on the floor to
create the stability needed to move their eyes and hands with precision.

Step #1 for identifying inquiry focus for 2022

Unpacking and analysing last year's assessment data in week 5 of Term 1 2022 was essential when the school realised that we cannot colle...